Black Fire Consulting Ltd.
Every Day We Venture Into a World of Unknowns
We do our best to predict and plan (what will the weather be like? How bad will traffic be? Will I get a flat tire?), but there is only so much we can do. In our world, every unknown is a risk. And in business, the less risk, the better. But in trying to manage risk, companies today have imposed limits and barriers to their execution; they have become slaves to the status quo and struggle to break the momentum of their current execution and reinvent how work is done. Businesses today rarely stop and ask, "is there a better way?"
At Black Fire Consulting Ltd., we break down the barriers and help E&Cs, Licensors, and Owner/Operators rise above their self-imposed limits and optimize their execution through the use of Aspen Basic Engineering, a workflow optimization solution. With decades of ABE experience, we help our customers re-engineer the way they engineer by custom-tailoring ABE to suit their specific needs to their specific use-cases.
Contact us today to begin discussions on how your business can leverage Aspen Basic Engineering and rise above your limits.